7 Natural Ways to Develop Superhuman Levels of Concentration & Focus

Stepping Over Dollars?
5 min readJun 5, 2022


Napoleon Bonaparte Secret

It was the early 1800s and the emperor of France was on an unrelenting conquest across Europe. Back home the people celebrated his military successes…

And across the known world, he was a figure of myths and legend. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte…

His conquests made him respected, revered and in some arenas… feared.

From all historical accounts, Napoleon wasn’t in fact an intimidating figure… and he didn’t strike fear into the hearts of his adversaries by his physical presence. Yet he was still formidable and revered in battle across Europe…

And as his legend grew…

Many who had only heard about the emperor’s conquests traded tales… Some shared that he was a giant of a man, others told tales of him having mystical powers.

But from the accounts of his close comrades… There was nothing physically special about Napoleon… As a matter of fact, he stood at just 5 feet and 2 inches in height ?(he was a little guy).

However, there WAS something special about Napoleon…

It wasn’t something anyone could see with the naked eye. And it was the secret to his extraordinary success and ability to lead his troops in battle.

Because of this secret power, his size or lack of size and physical ability could not deter his ascent.

Napoleon had the superhuman ability to concentrate and be laser focused on his task… And nothing could disrupt him.

He’s often quoted for saying:

“I see only my objective — the obstacles must give way.”

As a son of immigrants, eking out a living in the little island of Corsica… Napoleon’s superhuman power to concentrate and stay laser focused made him rise from obscurity to prominence… And soon he would be conquering most of Europe.

And it’s the secret to success in any endeavour. Whether in sports, business or in the military, the most successful people are the most focused.

An added advantage of being laser focused is that it enables you to achieve your goals at a much faster pace.

What might take an average person 10 hours to do… You may accomplish it in just an hour.

This is why high performers across the world have been seeking ways to boost levels of concentration…

Hence, the explosion of stimulant drinks (e.g. Red Bull), amphetamine drugs, nootropics… And even coffee.

Unfortunately, most stimulants are detrimental to long-term health. And the jury is still out on nootropics.

But there’s good news…

For any top performers who need to concentrate and stay focused for long stretches… And don’t want to wreck their health with harmful drugs and stimulants.

Here are…

7 Natural Ways to Develop Superhuman Levels of Concentration…

These simple natural tips will take your levels of concentration through the roof.

They’re natural and cheap, or in some cases even free to adopt into your daily lifestyle…

Better still, they will actually improve your overall health…

#1. Have 8–10 Hours of sleep

You cannot disregard the importance of having a good night’s rest on your overall health… And a side benefit of ample sleep is its ability to enhance your concentration. So, aim for at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.

#2. Identify your most productive hours of the day

Some people are early birds and do their best work early in the mornings. While others are night warriors and operate best in the night's silence.

A good example of a night warrior would be the Grammy winning R&B singer Toni Braxton. Did you know she recorded most of her hit songs late at night… when she felt her voice was always at its strongest?

A smart way to ensure you optimise your most productive hours is to block out those hours. And use them to tackle your highest value tasks and projects.

#3. Work in a distraction free environment

Eliminating distractions is a no-brainer way to help you stay focused. Shut off the notifications on your computer to stop pop-ups from breaking your concentration.

Turn off your phone or put it on ‘aeroplane mode’ when you’re working.

And if you have to have social media open… Maybe because you use it for your work; then you can install the News Feed Eradicator Extension to your browser. It eliminates annoying ads and your newsfeed updates — which are super distracting.

#4. Have all your working tools and resources in proximity to your workstation

Do you remember looking for a crucial tool or a piece of research when you needed it the most? This is not only frustrating… but it will break your concentration and disrupt your entire flow.

Keep all your tools at arm's length and flow through your tasks while maintaining focus throughout.

#5. Establish clear objectives for your work before starting

To put it simply… Your objective is your WHY…

It’s WHY you’re doing the work you’ve chosen to do. Establishing a grand purpose for every work you do keeps you focused. And having a WHY that inspires you will take your focus up a couple of notches.

#6. Eat light meals

Eating heavy starchy foods slows you down and can leave you feeling lethargic. So, it’s best to eat light when you want to concentrate and get work done.

And this leads perfectly to…

#7. Fasting

Although there’s no way of knowing; I suspect Napoleon must’ve fasted a lot… Because fasting opens you up to greater levels of concentration and focus… Even superhuman levels.

These days, Silicon Valley executives are taking fasting to a whole new level. There’s now an obsession with EXTREME FASTING where some execs go days without food for an entire week… Simply because they believe it makes them smarter and more productive!

However, I’m not recommending extreme fasting…

Just have a cup of tea, a glass of water…

Or you can go without food or drink for the length of time you want to focus on your work.

Then, once you’re done with your task, you can celebrate with a sumptuous meal.

So, there you have it…

You can start today to enjoy superhuman levels of concentration…

And like Napoleon, any obstacle that presents itself before you… MUST give way!

Author: Donald “Superhumanly focused” Obii


BTW, if you’d like some help to implement FOCUSED revenue boosting email strategies… for zero upfront cost… Or if you’d like help with an email campaign audit or email list management, shoot me an email (donald@cultofconversions.com) and let’s have a chat.




Stepping Over Dollars?
Stepping Over Dollars?

Written by Stepping Over Dollars?

Simple but forgotten and sometimes unconventional ideas to have you quit stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.

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